Monday, February 28, 2011

me & my girl

A lazy Sunday afternoon with my girl.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Today embarked a day of crazy emotions for me. My daughter turned 6 months old! Where has time gone? Also, today is the 1 year anniversary of my dad suddenly passing away.

I started my day with my beautiful daughter smiling up at me in her crib, and me singing Happy Birthday to her, of course. Later on around noon, her therapist came by to do her first session of vital stim on her jaw. After her therapist left, we played. had a photo shoot, and then it hit me. A picture, I glanced at a picture of my dad at my wedding. I thought to myself, he would have loved her so much. He’ll never get to squeeze her to pieces, kiss her or even hold her hand. He’ll never receive a smile that could melt your heart. I like to think he’s watching over her, protecting her.

A couple months ago, I was holding Hanna outward, facing nothing but air. She smiled so BIG at nothing….. nothing was there. I like to think to myself, that he did receive one of those smiles.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Baby I'm back

Thank goodness for a new year. The year 2010, was a whirlwind of emotions for me. The year started off with me losing my dad, and ended with my daughter’s first Christmas. I neglected my bog for far too long. With the New Year, I plan on focusing more on my photography, and of course my beautiful new daughter Hanna.

A lot has happened since my last post back in June! My precious daughter Hanna was born on July 19th, a day after her daddy’s birthday! Oh what a story we have to tell Hanna about her birth. The day before Hanna was born; my sister had her High School graduation party. Mind you it was also Brian’s birthday. It was a scorcher outside, which made my legs and ankles swell like never before! The beer was flowing, right into Brian’s mouth, and thank you to my cousin’s jello shots she made. Needless to say, I drove home that night! Once, we arrived home we chilled out a little, and went to bed around midnight. I suddenly woke up around 12:30 – 12:45. I felt like I peed myself! Of course, I ran to the bathroom to find out my water broke! (Side note, only 15-25% women’s water breaks!) I run into the bedroom to tell Brian, and he doesn’t seem to believe it, and proceeds to tell me to come back to bed!!!! Then, the involuntary shivering started, that’s when Brian realized it’s happening! I called the 24 hour nurse line which Hershey Med provides, and they told me to get to the hospital ASAP. Brian asked if he could take a shower to sober up, of course I let him. Then, he has the nerve to ask if he should shave!!!! Hells to the no, we drove to the hospital, and boy that was painful! We arrived probably around 2 am.

Now our house is in shambles, because we were getting all new carpet upstairs in preparation for Hanna coming in August. The carpet was coming later that day, so all the furniture upstairs was down in our living room. It seriously looked like a hoarder house. Brian was planning on painting the rest of trim before the carpet arrived that day. He’s a procrastinator, what can I say? We ended up rescheduling the carpet installation to later that week.

Finally, around 10 am I started to push, and boy was I exhausted from lack of sleep. I think if I would have been refreshed it would have been a lot sooner. At one point I asked if the doctor could just pull her out, because I was so tired. They were trying to entice me for food and drink, since you can’t have anything, but ice until the baby is born At any rate, Hanna finally arrived 12:42 pm, July 19th weighing in at 6 lbs 5 oz and 20 inches long. She is the center of my universe, I love her more than words can express.

Little did Brian know what was about to happen.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

34 Weeks

Yesterday I hit 34 Weeks!  Only 6 to GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

30 weeks and 38 inches!

Ten more weeks to go, I can't believe it!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

22 Weeks

Today, Hanna is the length of a spaghetti squash.  So, I did a photo shoot of myself today. Enjoy.